8. Communication


Communication happens constantly, whether we are aware of it or not.

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Table of Contents

I – Communication

II – The Process of Communication

a – Communication on the Level of Emanation

b – Communication on the Level of Creation

c – Communication on the Level of Formation

d – Communication on the Level of Manifestation

III – How Does Communication Begin?

IV – How Does the Process of Communication Get Messed Up?

a – Passive Communication

b – Aggressive Communication

c – Passive/Aggressive Communication

V – How Can We Embrace the Other Person’s Point of View?

VI – How the Four Symbols Explains Communication

a – Level of Manifestation

b – Level of Formation

c – How to Open the Door Between the Level of Manifestation and the Level of Formation

d – The Realignment of the Level of Manifestation and the Level of Formation

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I – Communication

We have to know ourselves first if we want to communicate clearly with others.


Most of the time when we hear the word communication, we think of someone speaking. This is only one way of communicating.

Who will teach us how to communicate?

Our body will tell us about the different levels of communication.


On earth we live at the level of Manifestation. This is the Big Picture.

Within the Big Picture, all other levels – Manifestation, Formation, Creation and Emanation – are also present. Each of these levels has its own kind of communication.


On the level of Emanation 001-Cercles-Numbering-1-WEB  we have Spiritual communication — intuition.


On the level of Creation  001-Cercles-Numbering-2-WEB  we have Mental communication — understanding.


On the level of Formation  001-Cercles-Numbering-3-WEB  we have Emotional communication — connection, speaking.


On the level of Manifestation 001-Cercles-Numbering-4-WEB   we have Physical communication — action, body language.


Remember, although each level is separate, each is interconnected with the others.

The Big Picture is like a soup and the other levels are the ingredients for the soup.

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II – The Process of Communication

Chart-014-Communication Four Levels

The process of communication is divided into 4 levels.

  • Spiritual Communication

THOUGHT: an idea occurring suddenly in the mind.

  • Mental Communication

CONCEPT: an idea of what something is or how it works.

  • Emotional Communication

FORM: the shape and structure of an object.

  • Physical Communication

MANIFEST: able to be seen.

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 a – Communication on the Level of Emanation

Chart-014-Communication 1Emanation

Communication on the level of Emanation is Spiritual Communication — intuition. We receive intuition in many different forms, including images, sounds, feelings, taste, smell or understanding.

The element for this level is Fire.

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b – Communication on the Level of Creation

Chart-014-Communication 2Creation

Communication on the level of Creation is Mental Communication — understanding. We receive understanding by being quiet and by simply observing and listening to our surroundings.

The main organs for this level are the ears and the eyes.

The element for this level is Air.

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c – Communication on the Level of Formation

Chart-014-Communication 3Formation

Communication on the level of Formation is Emotional Communication — connection. This is the level where speaking creates connection.

The main organs for this level are the nose and the mouth.

The element for this level is Water.

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d – Communication on the Level of Manifestation

Chart-014-Communication 4Manifestation

Communication on the level of Manifestation is Physical Communication — action. This is the level where the body language communicates.

The main organs for this level are the hands and the feet.

The element for this level is Earth.

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All of this looks great on paper but how does it look in real life?


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III – How Does Communication Begin?

Let’s return to the birth process to explain how our ability to communicate develops.

Chart-013-C0mmunication MF Organs Baby003

On the level of Emanation, the baby in the womb communicates with the mother and the baby also receives information from his/her surroundings.

On the level of Creation, we received our first communication from our surroundings from our eyes and ears.

On the level of Formation, our first verbal communication was when we used our mouth and nose to cry or cough.

On the level of Manifestation, our first physical communication was when we used our whole body to express our joy, pain, discomfort or needs, etc.

A baby uses direct communication: “I am crying because I am hungry.”

Chart-030-Manifestation Formation002

At this point, all of the baby’s communications are about physical needs. The physical needs (I am hungry) correspond to the level of Manifestation and the crying (verbal communication) corresponds to the level of Formation.

Communication necessitates the ability to move back and forth between the level of Manifestation and the level of Formation: “because I am hungry, I am crying.”

For all of these physical needs, the baby communicates verbally through different cries. The baby requires someone else to provide for physical needs — just like the baby required someone else to cut the umbilical cord.

The baby will cry to tell the parents several different things: that the diaper needs to be changed, that it is time to eat, to be held or that the baby has gas and it is painful. It may also be that the baby is uncomfortable.

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 IV – How Does The Process Of Communication Get Messed Up?

The baby uses the language of crying to communicate. There is no school to learn this language. The parents have to learn this new communication as the baby grows. Each person is an individual and everybody must find the way that works for them.

Because communication is difficult, the baby will learn different ways to communicate since direct communication doesn’t always work.

Later in life, the baby will grow into an individual who has learned convoluted ways of communicating. Depending on how difficult it was to communicate as a baby, a person may be afraid to communicate their own truth which can result in being either passive, aggressive or both.

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a – Passive Communication


This kid is afraid of parents’ authority and keeps all feelings and needs inside. In this example, the kid lets the parents make all of the decisions. This can lead to resentment.

When a person behaves in a passive way they may have trouble knowing how to clearly communicate what they really need or feel.

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 b – Aggressive Communication


This kid is fighting the parents’ authority and continues arguing with them. In this example, the kid fights against the parents trying to make the final decision. Both the parents and the kid are locked into arguing. Only when one of them stops arguing will there be a possibility of resolving the conflict. Otherwise, all we are doing is adding air to the fire.

Another way of aggressive communication is when a person tries to become an authority figure, by intimidating others physically or emotionally. A person with this style of communication relies on making others feel uncomfortable or even frightened in order to get their way.

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c – Passive/Aggressive Communication


The kid looks like he is not fighting, but he is not doing anything to resolve the argument. This kid will not directly argue with the parents but will instead follow their own wishes behind the parents’ back.

Another way of passive-aggressive communication is to use sabotage to get back at a person.

None of the styles of communication (passive, aggressive or passive-aggressive) embrace the other person’s point of view. When we argue we try to convince the other person we are right. Embracing the other person’s point of view will allow us to resolve the conflict.


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 V – How Can We Embrace The Other Person’s Point Of View?

During a conflict, our default is to go directly to verbal communication—we speak before we do anything else. We speak because we are trying to prove that we are right.

When we speak first, we don’t take the time to listen to what the other is trying to tell us and we don’t take the time to listen what our heart is trying to tell us.

How can we stop arguing?

1 – By remaining quiet      008-Silence-WEB005

2 – Keep breathing. Use your breath for breathing, not for arguing. Normally, our default is to use the breath for speaking. By speaking too soon, all we are doing is adding air to the fire.

008-Breathing-WEB0053 – These steps allow us to take the time to listen.


By taking the time to listen we can embrace both the process and the person.

4 – Touch

When we can embrace the other person we realize our arms and our heart can communicate instead of our words.

Our hands are the mirror of our heart.


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VI – How The Four Symbols Explain Communication

Effective communication is the ability to move back and forth between the levels of Manifestation and Formation.

Important note: when we mention the level of Manifestation we refer to the materiality and when we mention the level of Formation we refer to the essence.

Here are some examples of the connection between Manifestation and Formation:

– Materiality and essence

– Exterior and interior

– Physical body and the interior-self

– The car and the driver…

Let’s return to the subject of arguing.

To be able to argue we have to be on the level of Manifestation. Now, if we want to stop arguing we have to go to the level of Formation.

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a – Level of Manifestation


When we argue we speak a lot and don’t listen to the other person. The conflict goes on and on. When we argue we are solely on the level of Manifestation where the foundation is based on separation, our arms are crossed, and we have only two eyes and a brain. We have no mouth for speaking. The foundation of separation is experienced as fear. When we are afraid these are the only tools we have for communication.

Note: Separation means that we have been cut into two parts. Fear means that we are not able to reunite the parts.

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b – Level of Formation


To move out of the argument, we need to have more tools available to us. These tools are found on the level of Formation where our foundation is our heart, our arms are open and we have a mouth for speaking, two nostrils for breathing, two ears for listening and one eye for observing.

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c – How to Open the Door Between the Level of Manifestation and the Level of Formation

The first action will be to remain quiet for a short time. This will bring us from the foundation of Separation (Pelvis) to the foundation of Connection (Heart).

Chart-061-Communication-Heart et Pelvis

With the foundation of Connection we can now reconnect with our breathing. By being aware of our breathing we will be able to stay on the level of Formation. This is a very important tool.


By focusing on our breathing we are able to listen and observe.


Then we can use our hands to touch, or our open arms to embrace the other person.


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d – The Realignment of the Level of Manifestation and the Level of Formation

Chart-062-Communication-Realignement Manifest-Format002

The level of Manifestation and the level of Formation are separate levels and our goal is to align them so that they function as one.

It’s like the car and the driver. Both the car and the driver need each other to function correctly.

The level of Manifestation corresponds to the car and the level of Formation corresponds to the driver.

Using the analogy of the car and the driver, we have two scenarios:

Scenario 1

Chart-070-Realignement Manifestation Formation

When the car is on the level of Manifestation and the driver is on the level of Formation (connection) the two levels are aligned and the trip will be smooth.

Scenario 2

Chart-070-Realignement Manifestation Manifestation

When the car and the driver are both on the level of Manifestation (separation or fear) the two levels are misaligned and the trip will be precarious.

Everything that we have said about the car and the driver works for the human being.

Chart-070-Realignement Manifestation Formation-Body-Int

The level of Manifestation corresponds to the physical body while the level of Formation corresponds to the interior-self.

The interior-self is the control center for the physical body.

When the interior-self is on the level of Manifestation we experience fear.

When the interior-self is on the level of Formation we experience connection.

Chart-070-Realignement Manifestation Formation-Words

When our interior-self is being connected to the level of Formation we have access to more tools to drive our life than when we are on the level of Manifestation.

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